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These employees are being recognized by a coworker for going above and beyond.


I’d like to recognize Daniel Honeycutt and Jimmy Swanner for Excellence in Customer Service. As of Wednesday 12/7 the car wash had been inoperable on for several days and my company vehicle was very dirty from all of the rain. I had an event to attend that day so Daniel and Jimmy, with no time to waste, washed my vehicle by hand and did a great job! Thank you both for hustling and helping to promote a good company image. – Josh McKnight

I would like to take a minute and inform you of how great it has been working with Melissa Newsome in logistics. She has added a great deal of communication between the field and logistics and helping us get the correct equipment we need and in a timely manner. I know she is newer to the position but has aided us greatly. We appreciate everything Jason Mauney and Melissa Newsome do to support us even when we give them a short notice. – David Whitehead

The Toys for Tots drive went well. We were able to provide a toy for 45 children this year. Thank you to everyone for your contribution….may God bless you! – Michelle Smith

I want to recognize an employee that really went above and beyond recently. Jimmy Swanner, a Facilities Technician, absolutely deserves recognition and a huge thanks for helping me in the truck wash station on Friday, 12/2/22. When I went to wash my muddy truck, and noticed the automatic wash was down/not working, I pulled the truck into the hand wash side. Jimmy saw me enter, and without asking any questions, he approached and began mixing soaps and spraying my truck tires. I thought that was absolutely awesome, as this was my first time using this hand wash side. However, Jimmy did not stop there. Jimmy stayed with me for about an hour, working diligently, using the hose, spraying soap, scrubbing with a brush, and even spraying wax. By the time we were done, it was the cleanest and shiniest I have ever seen my truck. This was a complete surprise to me to have his help, as we had never met before. He took his time, and stayed past 4:00pm on a Friday afternoon just helping me, technically a stranger, make my truck look SPECTACULAR. When we finished washing the truck, he simply just smiled respectfully and walked away. All weekend, while the truck was sitting parked outside my house, I couldn’t help but notice many times how great the truck looked, and it’s all thanks to Jimmy. He showed exceptional teamwork and selflessness when he absolutely had no obligation to. I’d like him and others to know just how much I appreciate him being such a great person and team member, as he left an incredible impression. Jimmy has definitely gone above and beyond here. I’m sure it’s not the first time, and probably won’t be the last. What a great guy! – David Sergeant

Recognizing Noe Saravia, Isaiah Scott, and crew for their remarkable work at Project Vantage with a 20-inch water line tie-in and a 16-inch force main relocation that included two 8-inch taps, a line block, and a 8-inch bypass line. The crew installed all components flawlessly and received many compliments from Carocon, Lancaster County, and Yarborough Engineering. Great work guys!!!! – Jeff Howell

I would like to thank Ryan Barker for his tireless efforts on Southern Engineering Projects. – Garrett Overcash

I would like to take an opportunity to say Thank you to the Facilities TEAM for what they do to make our place of work,  look and shine each and every day. Daniel Honeycutt, Michelle Smith, Mark Goodman, Nick Reese, Jimmy Swanner work every day in keeping the building and premises in great shape through out each season and event. In being in Business development and the Preconstruction division of our company we have to bring Clients and guest through our offices to meet with and present to on a regular basis. It gives us great pride to show them our campus and what we do and they always comment on how nice our  facilities are and how lucky we are to come to work at such a nice place. So Thank you for all that you do to make our Job easier and environment Beautiful.  – Mark Muller

I would like to send kudos to someone who doesn’t work for me but rather along side of me. Id like to recognize Kevin Morris. Even though Kevin works for our accompanied company I still interact with him on a daily basis to acquire my required consumables and tools. Either on the phone, or in person Kevin is always a pleasure to deal with. Kevin is always in good spirits, makes me wonder if he ever has a bad day. Kevin is always willing to give a hand assist you in any way he can. The ease of the transactions I have to get my items is truly the grease in the wheels that helps us be successful. – Gregory Jouben

The Training Team would like to send a Kudo’s shout out to the Facilities Group Daniel, Mark, Nick and Jimmy. When ever we have a task or endeavor that we are trying to complete all we have to do is reach out to them and they will jump in and help out with what ever it takes to get the job done. Thank you guys for all your hard work. – Training Team

Kudos to Henry Rodriguez and crew for their work at Alta Filament. This project has had many challenges and required boots on the ground management with client and Subs in very restricted work areas. Henry communicates well and plans the work with his crew. Good work by everyone on the crew!!!! – Jeff Howell

I would like to thank all the group leaders involved with supporting our additional manpower needs in Gainesville, Kevin Steele, Phillip Kirkley, Jon Yeaman, Gary Akers, John Ashworth & Jason Sisk. During a site visit Jon & myself noticed a need to ramp up our crew size to hit the clients schedule for testing, it all started with a phone call to John Ashworth informing him of what challenges we were facing. John was able to reach out to our group managers within Wayne Brothers, within a few hours John found the additional manpower on a Friday afternoon around 3PM. With the client’s schedule in jeopardy, we made this pivot to stay on target, we as a team hit daily achievable goals and small milestones. Big thanks to all the crew members involved, Anthony Peoples, Shawn Reaves, Stanley Simmons, Steve Smith, Greg Jouben, Dave Hendershot, Keith Bryant, Val Chavis, Tucker Justice, Hunter Jones, Richard Smith, Levi Harrington, Murray Graham, Kyle Hopkins, Dave Lloyd, Britt Hull, Rob Pasour. Also, a lot of hard work happens in the background within the office, Katy Roland is always responding in a quick manner to support the online training set up, Amanda & Tom for compiling the safety training documentation. Thanks, Charlie Lily, for making a hand full of site visits to ensure our field team is working safe.  With all the hard work happening a team dinner was needed to thank the crew and have some fun after the long week. – David Clark

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