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Wayne Brothers Receives Four Safety Awards

By October 3, 2019October 4th, 2019Awards

Wayne Brothers Companies has earned an impressive four safety awards in the month of September. “These awards are the result of each and every team member practicing safe behaviors, so congratulations on a job well done!” comments Jason Sisk, Safety Director. Jason Sisk has been nominated and voted in as the Vice Chair of the Carolinas’ AGC Safety Committee. The Carolina’s AGC recently won the AGC of America Chapter of the Year Award in the large/over $2.5M category.

Three of the four awards Wayne Brothers received was from the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) in the categories of (1) Recognition, (2) Improvement, and (3) Fleet Safety – Over 1 Million Safe Miles Driven. Wayne Brothers has almost tripled the one million safe miles driven with a remarkable 2.8 million miles. The fourth award won was from Churchill Casualty, Ltd. for Risk Control.

These four awards come on the heels of Wayne Brothers working over one year and 1,376,746 hours without a Lost Time Accident. Wayne Brothers continues to build upon and constantly improve the safety program so that every employee has a safe working environment.