Client: Wayne Brothers
Status: In Progress
Location: Davidson, NC
Scope: Civil & Infrastructure, Concrete
Project Manager: Daniel Wayne & Jim Rhodes
Superintendent: Josh Akers
Wayne Brothers Civil & Infrastructure Group cleared almost 20 acres of land for the new headquarters. They installed erosion control, storm drainage, water and sewer as well as a sand filter, and completed Mass and Fine Grading. Over 80,000 cys of mass cut was moved to fill on site. In order to cross a creek, 72” CMP of pipe run was installed. GPS was used for the concrete paving, and again to control the install of the Ductilcrete concrete paving. They striped the parking lots and installed the landscaping. Due to Wayne Brothers performing both the concrete and site work, time was saved on the schedule by turning over the building pad prior to completion of the Mass Grading.