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By Keith Wayne, President & CEO

Everyone, including the Presidential candidates, seems to be talking about the “Building Boom.” We’ve often heard slogans like Build Back Better, Build that Wall, and more recently, calls for building bridges and infrastructure, as well as initiatives like the CHIPS Act for microchip production.

However, we have been part of this boom for many years. We have been building the “Cloud” via Data Centers, grading the landscapes, installing the deep foundations, and forming the vertical towers that make up our offices, universities and other great institutions which make America the greatest place in the world to live.  Nearly forty years of building, expanding, and improving the manufacturing facilities that create numerous jobs for our communities. It seems many are just now realizing the importance of builders in creating these essential assets.

We in the construction industry have long understood the critical role we play in shaping the future so it isn’t surprising how we might become a bit boastful when we address young aspiring teenagers regarding a career as “Builder”. We are seeing more of our best and brightest who are choosing to become a vital part of this future economy through the engineering and construction trades. When I personally address the newly hired recruits during their orientation the smiles on their faces and the anticipation in their eyes tell me there is a renewed interest in being a “Builder” for tomorrow’s future. Seeing the impressive projects we’ve built makes them excited about beginning their part in building the new economy.

We are also proud of the fact that we have been building our company into a more diverse group of service offerings to support the design and building of the manufacturing and technology economy of the Southeastern US. We intend to build more than ever before, build better than ever before, and build ourselves into a stronger than ever company. Look forward to seeing Wayne Brothers on more exciting project sites across the country and meet our next generation of proud and professional builders.

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